Erie Insurance
If you have a claim to report, you can take advantage of your insurance carriers’ 24/7 Claim Support Service to report your claim directly to your insurance company or you may contact us.
By reporting your loss directly to the insurance company, they can begin to handle all aspects of your claim and get you the help you need when it matters most.
Erie Insurance
100 Erie Insurance Place
Erie , PA 16530
Customer Service
Website: Customer Service
Customer Service: (800) 458-0811
Website: Claims
Claims: (800) 322-3743
After Hours Claims: (800) 367-3743
24/7 Roadside Service (AGERO): (888) 295-5060
ERIEGlass (Auto Glass Only): (800) 552-3743
Fraud Finders (To Report Fraud): (800) 368-6696
Website: Pay Your Bill